Monday, September 02, 2019

Video on resources at the antineoconfederate page at youtube.

This is the link to the video.

You can just click on the video below. OF COURSE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE.

As I get the campaign ramped up and getting ready for Vlogging, I realized that I have a lot of resources here an there of different types and I need to have a video on my AntiNeoConfederate video channel to tell people about these resources.

I am going to have this segment added to the end of all the videos I post to my channel. Those who have seen it before can just skip it and go to the end. Those who have seen it for the first time can view the entire thing.

I need to do a "Who is Ed Sebesta" video. My academic qualifications,writings, etc.

I haven't decided where I am going to put my podcasts, but I expect to make a decision soon.

Again, the neo-Confederate movement isn't going to stop itself. Share links to this video on your social media and by one means or another let others know.

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