Sunday, May 08, 2022


 This is his Confederate post as part of his anti-vaxxer Facebook postings.

This is the sorry anti-vaxxer page.

Anti-Gay Christians are dying all over the world because they refuse vaccinations. It seems sorry neo-Confederates are also kicking the bucket. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Rally to rename Ervay St. to Harvey Milk St. Send a message to Robert Jeffress and 1st Baptist Church

We are having a rally to change Ervay to Harvey Milk St. This is the street which runs past the infamous First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas where W.A. Criswell was pastor. 

This is the link to the Facebook Event page.

This is the link to the Facebook group for a Harvey Milk St.

At the group page is a lot of links to historical materials pdfs which you can download and articles which you can read telling about W.A. Criswell and Robert Jeffress. 

Henry Ervay for whom the street was named was part of the invasion of Nicaragua to make it a slave state, was a Confederate officer, and later played a key role in re-establishing white supremacy in Dallas when he was part of the effort to end the multi-racial democracy of Reconstruction. 

This is a link to a page with background info on Ervay.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Neo-Confederates in support of Putin

It seems that neo-Confederates aren't entirely over as an issue. Thought the Confederate monuments have gone down, it seems the ideology remains.

This article by the Boston Review details the support for Putin by the conservative Americans, many of whom have joined the Orthodox Church.

She has a book coming out with Harvard Univ. Press titled, "Souching towards Moscow: American Conservatives and the Romance of Russia." It is not available for pre-order. I will order it when it becomes available. 

I have discussed Russian support for American secessionists in this blog. I have also commented on the folly of honoring treason as a potential security risk to the nation. 

The neoliberals were dismissive of the issues of the neo-Confederates, and shut me down when I suggested that Obama shouldn't send a wreath to the Arlington Confederate monument. 

I am still having my neo-Confederate studies in a care taker status. These articles occasionally appear, but it doesn't results in neo-Confederates being taken seriously. The Confederate monuments now are largely in small towns and it is just a matter of time before the Chamber of Commerces in these towns get really tired of them as to obstacles to selling the city and the support base passes away.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Moving activity to Landscape Reparations blog

 I will occassionally have some items here, but most of my blogging will now be at Landscape Reparations blog.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Storming the U.S. Capitol Building with Confederate flags

 Looking at the many videos and pictures and news stories and instagram and twitter and Facebook etc. if you saw the crowd as a whole you didn't see a large percentage of Confederate flags, mostly they were Trump flags and American flags and a few other types. There were a few Confederate flags though.

One thing though is that the media made sure each Confederate flag in the U.S. Capitol got a lot of media attention. 

The negative publicity for the Confederacy has been immense due to the Confederate flag being flown by Trump supporters storming the Capitol Building as a mob. 

A lot of people are really upset, angry, about what happened. 

I think that the acceptance of organizations that promote the Confederacy is going to go to zero except for cranky racists. 

A lot of people are realizing that honoring violent insurrectionists is really not a good idea. 

There is still in existence a large fraction of the population that still supports Trump, but it will be a declining fraction as time goes on. 

A Confederate monument, flag, name is now going to be identified with Trumpism. Every Confederate monument where ever they may still stand is now going to be a symbolic focus point in the conflict of Trumpers versus anti-Trumpers. 

As I have said many times before as fewer and fewer Confederate items remain, those that do remain will seem more and more anomalous and unacceptable. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The campaign to get President-Elect Joe Biden to not send a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument is on.

 The campaign is on again to get the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden not to send a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument.

Details on this blog.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Moving on and finishing up. Neo-Confederacy continues to collapse and I am wrapping it up and moving on to new things.

The neo-Confederacy continues to crumble day by day, and the neo-Confederate's deciding to support Donald Trump and Donald Trump deciding to support the Confederacy will only accelerate the popular dislike of the Confederacy.

This city removes a monument, that city changes a name of a street, a university changes the name of a building, etc. etc. etc. Even the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and Washington & Lee University are giving up the Confederacy. 

With Biden being elected the U.S. Military will likely give up any connections with neo-Confederate groups. 

There really isn't much that I need to do anymore, de-Confederating the nation is moving forward on its own. There are few things here and there I am helping with, but it is going full forward like a freight train without me. 

If there are any violent disturbances over Biden's election, it will just show that celebrating violent insurrections, that is Confederates, is really not a good practice. 

In the rural towns of America there has been slow progress getting rid of Confederate monuments and that might give the neo-Confederates some hope, but if they do, they are foolish in their hopes. 

As time goes on Confederate monuments in rural areas will be markers of backwardness. At the present time people are used to having Confederate monuments in their presence in big cities. As the years go by they will forget these monuments and when they are in rural town they will think that having a Confederate monument is something out of the past and a throwback.

Neo-Confederacy is starting to implode. Also, as the Confederate monuments vanish it will free up people to go focus on the rest of the landscape. 

So I am moving on to dealing with the racialized landscape in general. There may be secession movements in the next four years, but I think the government will handle them and my work will not be necessary. A secession movement will just intensify public dislike of the Confederacy. 

So I am moving on to the issues dealing with the whole landscape and landscape reparations.

My website is going to be redone to align with this new direction. 

I will be using Dallas as my field of research to develop my concepts and to provide an example to other cities and places. I think to get this page completed with links to sub pages.

I really need to get everything organized at this page and more of my material online. 

After nearly 30 years I realize that I have won in regards to defeating neo-Confederacy. There is some mop up to be done, but largely it is over. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The doom of neo-Confederacy has started - United Parcel Service (UPS) doesn't want to locate facility in town with Confderate monumentt

The following link is to a story is about a giant corporation, UPS, which doesn't want to locate major facility in town with Confederate monument. 

In earlier blog postings I talked about how as Confederate monuments went away the pressure on the few towns still having them would increase. One of the factors would be that businesses would not want to locate there.

This was my first blog on the process. 

This was a follow up blog. 

However, it seems that I really missed some aspects of the economic forces that drive the elimination of Confederate monumnets at a much faster pace.  

The thing I missed is that corporations aren't going to be concerned sometime in the future that a town is one of the remainging towns with a Confederate monument, but instead they are concerned right now, even if most rural towns might currently be keeping them or a large fraction of towns are keeping them.

Perhaps they can understand that though it is common now, in two or three years towns keeping Confederate monuments might be uncommon and they don't want to be caught having invested in such a town with a Confederate monument.

Ironically this concern by corporations will drive a change in which few towns will have Confederate mouments. 

The fact that a major corporation like UPS doesn't want a Confederate monument in a town they are considering locating a facility in will be noted by every town's chamber of commerce and every economic development board. The competition to be the location site for facilities from major corporatitions is fierce. 

Yes, the local interests groups probably don't want to get into this fight and wish it would go away, but they also realize that it is an issue that will have to be faced sooner or later, so they might as well do it sooner. They don't want to be facing it when a major corporation is considering them and protests and potential violence scares away the corporation, and they certainly don't want to be finally addressing it after they have lost out on one or more major corporations locating a facility in their area. 

They also have to consider that the other towns competing with them to get facilities located in their town will be considering removing a statue also, and what the consequences of these competing towns getting their statues removed before they get their statue removed. 

Having the business interests initiating the proccess behind the scenes has the advantage of the removal being done faster and with less public controversy than having it started by a series of protests met by counter-protestors with guns. 

The counter-protestors with guns are a surprise unexpected factor to get rid of Confederate monuments. If you wanted Confederate monuments to have a negative association, the counter protestors are about the best you could imagine. There is the old cliche', "With friends like these, you don't need enemies." 

Also, the counter protestors with their guns are not really wanted by any town. Some towns might decide they want to get rid of the monument so these guys don't show up in their town anymore and be in the media being shown carrying around large firearms in the town square. 

This pressure to remove the monuments is added to the pressure that anti-monument protests apply to a city. If the protests continue, after awhile the city is known primarily for its clinging to a Confederate monument.  That is what people will think of when they think of that town. 

The protests are likely the thing that got corporations like UPS not wanting to move to a town with a Confederate monument. They don't want to be stuck in a town and try to recruit talent to move to a town known for loving the Confederacy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

United Daughters of the Confederacy monuments are going to be going down. UDC's history of praising the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is getting known.

The link to the article about the Cooke County commissioners refusing to take down a Confederate monment is here.

What is important about this article is that it makes public in a big way the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) practice of praising the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). 

Also, each photo mentions me as the source so readers know how has this book and also know that I am willing to share information about the book and photos of the book. I will put the same photos at the end of this blog posting. 

I can tell you that there has been considerable interest in Texas groups which are working to bring down monuments elsewhere in this material. People are reading the Weatherford paper I wrote with keen interest.

Of course the usefulness of this information isn't limited to Texas. Other people in other states will realize that a history showing the UDC praise for the KKK and saying that the KKK was the great accomplishment of the Confederate solider during the time period when they were putting up Confederate monuments really shows what these monuments are about. People who might want to make excuses for the Confederate monuments won't want to be too close to KKK issues. 

I plan on leting them know about the other KKK book endorsed by the UDC. 

By the way, the Dallas Observer articles in which I am mentioned by name can be found at the following link:

They didn't have this as a photo, but they quoted it.
It is hard to beat this for creepiness. 

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Bringing down the Confederate monuments across Texas and elsewhere. Using Weatherford, Texas as example and to supply resources

 There are efforts across Texas to bring down Confederate monuments. There are so many efforts happening at the same time I have adopted strategies to help all of them at once. 

I am taking Weatherford, Texas, which is west of Fort Worth, Texas as my test case.

I wrote this essay for them and given it to them.

It is about the Weatherford UDC praising the Reconstruction KKK and I place it in context of the national neo-Confederate groups praising the KKK. 

The importance of this to the rest of Texas and even beyond Texas is that I supply the broader context in such a manner that you can just remove the Weatherford component and put in your local UDC pro-KKK information.

Almost any UDC chapter in the 1910s was likely promoting pro-Reconstruction KKK material. By doing some simple online research you can get that information and put it in my Weatherford essay and have an essay for your town. So iother counties where there are efforts underway to remove the Confederate monuments can take this essay and swap out the Weatherford component and swamp in their local UDC pro-KKK component. 

This essay allows me to show people where to do research to find stuff like this, but more importantly that there is stuff to dig up.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Getting press attention concerning streets, schools, and other things on the landscape.

Though my writing on Landscape Repartions doesn't confine itself to streets and schools named after Confederates, it obviously applies to Confederate named schools and streets. 


I have started to share these news articles with academic groups. I think others will have insights that I have overlooked. 

People have found this paper on the struggle over street renaming in Dallas very informative. 

The page also has a review of Dallas street renaming code and a paper showing how the ideas behind the street renaming procedure are nonsensical. I think these papers will serve as an example for others in other cities to critically examine the municipal code about renaming streets. 

When most of the Confederate monuments are gone this will be the next stage, though when most of the Confederate monuments are gone it is likely that a lot of school names will have been changes as well as street names. The process doesn't need to be sequential, though given that taking down Confederate monuments will take up some time, likely there will be a delay as to when schools and streets will receive attention. Though mobilizing to take down Confederae statues might build groups that will then pursue changing the names of schools and streets. We will have to see. 

Wrote to the U.S. Military to stop the Sons of Confederate Veterans involvement with the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps JROTC

Nearly two weeks ago I wrote the U.S. Military leaders and every member of the Dept. of Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion to not allow the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) to be involved with the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC). It was a total of 25 certified letters with return post cards. 

The letter is online at 

Or you can download it from Scribd at this link. 

I put online information about the SCV. 

The letter has links to this resource also. 

If that doesn't realize that dealing with the SCV is scary there is provided in the letter a link to this website.

Obviously if they allow the SCV involvement with the JROTC to continue the entire DOD Board on Diversity and Inclusion becomes a joke. Responsibility for colluding with SCV is now borne by the entire U.S. Military leadership. 

The SCV planning to try to meet with the Dept. of Defense to overturn the ban of the Confederate flag by the U.S. Military. I think my letter will have the Dept. of Defense think twice before touching the SCV with a ten-foot pole. 

The SCV is trying to put on their best face in this press release, but I think the background information I provide shows their real face. The fact that they think they have any chances of engagement with the U.S. military besides the military talking to them solely for the purpose of humoring them and keeping the SCV from being a nuisance shows how out of touch they are. 

The U.S. military depends on recruiting young people to join the U.S. military. Young people, in particular those that might choose to go into the military, are in a large part minorities. They are those what will need the educational opportunitiees that the U.S. military affords. They are the ones who often don't have good opportunities otherwise. 

To these minorities the Confederacy is not an attractive thing and hinders recruitment. Whatever polls might say about public opinion regarding the Confederate flag in regards to the public in general, it isn't very popular with young people who the U.S. military hopes to enlist.

Recruiting likely is not going to be helped when the general public finds ot that the DOD is working with neo-Confederates and are the means by which they are insinuating themselves into public education. Parents are likely to be aghast that neo-Confederates are getting involved with their schools. 

The military also has a huge budget and needs support from the general public and they also need to look to the future as to hope much support they will have in ten an twenty years among a public in which fondness for the Confederacy declines steeply with age. 

The letter mentions that the United Daughters of the Confederacy has a medal they are giving to JROTC cadets also. 

I also mention that I am focusing on this one way of multiple ways the U.S. military works with neo-Confederate groups. I suspect that they will likely be checking into everything they do involving neo-Confederate groups. 

I also think that their strategy will be to end all programs involving neo-Confederates in a hurry before I can make a public issue about it. If they don't, a public campaign will likely get them to end the program and additionally allow me to educate the general public what type of people the SCV are. 

I am am somewhat swamped helping a lot of groups on a lot of projects, but I am making time to work on opposing the SCV. 

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Collapse of the Confederacy continues. Neo-Confederates freak out. / What do I do next? /UPDATE

In the past I would be blogging about each monument controversy or issue regarding the Confederacy.  Now there are so many monuments going down and Confederate symbols being removed I am overwhelmed. Also, what really do I have to offer in commentary? They are going down without really any opposition. I am somewhat stunned by it all. I think maybe they overlooked this and I find they haven't, maybe there overlooked that, and I find they haven't. There is stuff I never heard of or I had forgotten about and it is being dealt with. 

One of my activities is to track how Breitbart reports on contested history, monuments, historical memory, etc and I have a fairly comprehensive set of Breitbart articles filed away. But the problem is that it is overwhelming me. I print them out in the morning, some more around noon, and then in the evening and staple them and then hand write their date on them so I can organize them and find them easily. I have selected Breitbat since they represent the ideology of the White House and they seem to comprehensively cover the issues of interest. 

Also, I am helping out local activists. One set wants to rename Lamar St. in Dallas to Botham Jean Boulevard. The other wants to rename Woodrow Wilson High School in the Dallas school district. 

And I am on to something really huge concerning Dallas. It will rewrite a part of American history and explode the establishment view of the Dallas past. Taking a lot of time, but it won't be long before I am finished. Maybe in August.

So I have been really busy. 

No doubt the school text books which pander to the Lost Cause and have uncritical accounts of thee Confederacy a free pass will not be acccepted for much longer. 

With the upcoming elections it is likely that Confederate monuments in national parks will be subject to review.

I still have a few tasks left to bring down the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). Some churches still pander to them, JROTC is working with them, and the UDC is still giving gifts at U.S. Military academies. All this will need action. But the SCV and UDC memberships are disappearing with age anyways just like the Civil War Round tables. It remains to be seen that I need to do much at all. I might want to focus more on personal things now that the neo-Confederate movement is crashing and coming to an end. 

I am sure there will be odds and ends to do in 2021, but this is bringing up what will be next for me. After Neo-Confederacy is demolished what do I do? 

It might be argued there will be odds and ends to follow up on. However, the few counties or cities with Confederate monuments will likely have their own local groups dealing with it and I won't need to be involved. 

As I have said in earlier blogs, the few places which still have Confederate monuments will increasingly be seen as backward and creepy. When there are a couple hundred Confederate monuments in a state, any one monument won't cause much comment or stand out. When there are only five left or three, they will be in the news as the last Confederate monumnts in the state and the source of never ending news as the struggle continues over them and gives the locations a really bad repubation. 

For a city or county the fact that they have become that creepy place in movies, will sink in when they lose competition for a processing or manufacturing plant or distribution depot or some facility. It will sink in when businesses there have difficulty in attracting talent and holding talent. 

So the remaining monumentts will likely take care of themselves. 

I think by the end of 2021 I will have the neo-Confederates out of the establishment also 

So what I am doing and I am already transitioning to it, is work on the racialization of the landscape as a whole and not restricted to only Confederate items or even Confederate and slavery related items, but everything. 

I have done a first draft theorization about landscape reparations. I am theorizing about street names. I am developing a set of tactics. 

Anti-Neo-Confederate may become fairly inactive, not now, and not soon, but at some point I am going to be working on the issues of secession a lot, especially when the secession movements take off in response to Trump not being re-elected. And I will be working on deracializing the landscape. Those might be new blogs, and this blog will remain for the record and not be very active. I haven't decided that is the plan, but it might be the plan in the future. 

So in conclusion, I am somewhat stunned, and after I wrap up dealing with the neo-Confederates I am going to move on to new challanges. 


The story is about a giant corporation doesn't want to locate major facility in town with Confederate monument. You can be assured that every chamber of commerce at some point will be thinking about this or cases like this. Every board member of some government economic panel for development will be hinking about this. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2020