I have been asked how the Sons of Confederate Veterans as an organization can be brought down. Also, some clarification as to what I mean by that.
1. I don't mean violence or vandalism or lawlessness. Such type of actions are counter productive and unnecessary. They are also wrong. Issues and view points should be a matter of public debate and discussion. I don't mean harrassment like anonymous phone calls or flashing lights in people's eyes and stuff like that.
2. I do mean educating the public as to what they stand for such that they will have no credibility and no assistance from other groups, and individuals will be embarrased to be known as members.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans before the public represents itself as a sentimental organization with a nostalgic fondness for the past
1. I am going to research and make it publically available. It will focus on what the SCV states in its publications and what merchandise it sells and what its actions are.
2. I will be asking individuals to help me get the work out. On Twitter, Facebook, in your blog, on your website, or whatever social media you use, to get my research out to the public.
3. There will be notifications of new materials at AntiNeoConfederate Action on Facebook. I always post links at my Facebook page. I will be tweeting about these materials on Twitter. There will be materials at my website. My Youtube channel AntiNeoConfederate will have videos.
This blog will post items. http://newtknight.blogspot.com/
Video Channel: (Search term is "antineoconfederate", one word, all lower case.)
This channel willl have Dallas related material also, just look for the neo-Confederate stuff.
Look for Fight NeoConfederacy or look for Edward H. Sebesta.
My website now has a page for the Sons of Confederate Veterans where materials will be available online.
4. Counter protesting at the 2020 SCV reunion in St. Augustine, Florida. Local activists there are already planning protests. If possible drive down. The following are some Facebook groups that include fighting neo-Confederacy in their agenda. You don't have to agree with all their views, but you can see what local activists are doing.
https://www.facebook.com/ronrawls Rev. Rawls has made fighting neo-Confederacy a priority item.
If there is a group I have overlooked I will update this posting.
5. There are these resources that you can share right now.
http://templeofdemocracy.com/sons-of-confederate-veterans.html Has a paper about their theological war ideas.
The head and the deputy head of the Heritage Committee of the SCV have this website.
As the real face of the SCV emerges, I think their influence will decline. It will also educate the public what honoring the Confederacy is really about.
Again, I don't support violence or something like violence.
The SCV along with the UDC constitute the two major influential groups working to keep Confederate monuments and defend the Confederacy. We can shred their credibility by letting the public know what they really believe by quoting their own words.
Already, I am noticing that things are being pulled off line.
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