What is the local Gettysburg industry? It is the selling of stuff like this.
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Peter S. Carmichael, Director of the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College has this article.
The article shows how clueless Carmichael is and how he is denying the rather clear record on Confederate monuments and their purpose. I am sure the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce is grateful that he is making this effort. I am sure that Carmichael is not consciously defending these items. I think the Civil War Institute needs to think if they will be relevant by 2030.
When I visited Gettysburg April 2017, the story I was repeatedly told is that a very large fraction of the visitors are from the South and that in 2015 they did a tremendous business in Confederate flag memorabilia. People actually believed the Confederate flag would be banned. However, now the sale of Confederate junk is way down. You have to wonder what type of people would think they urgently needed to buy Confederate flags after the massacre in Charleston, but that is what evidently puts food on many tables in Gettysburg.
Also, that Confederate reenacting is down. The Civil War Sesquicentennial seemed to be the last hurrah.
The city of Gettysburg is already switching to ghosts tours and that seems to be the coming industry. However, it seems to me you could do ghost tours anywhere there were old buildings and gullible people which is most anywhere. Dallas only has one of the two components. Having a ghost in Dallas would be seen as anti-real estate development which is Dallas's highest moral value.
Peter S. Carmichael represents the Civil War historians whose efforts will make the Civil War of little interest to future generations.
Gettysburg College should consider, along with the city of Gettysburg that they owe John Sims an apology.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Peter S. Carmichael, Director of Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College is effectively defending local Gettysburg industry.
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