Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bill Clinton's letters to the United Daughters of the Confederacy are published in Buzzfeed

I wrote Hillary Clinton on the issues where presidential policies enable neo-Confederates.

The above is the questionnaire. So far I have written these people.

Proof of Mailing
Ted Cruz

Waiting for a response
Mike Huckabeee

Waiting for a response
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson

Waiting for a response
Carly Fiorina

Waiting for a response
Rand Paul

Waiting for a response
Marco Rubio

Waiting for a response
George Pataki

Waiting for a response
Lindsay Graham

Waiting for a response
Rick Santorum

Waiting for a response
Jeb Bush

Announcement date is unknown but is definitely running.
Bobby Jindal

Announces June 24th if he is running.
Scott Walker

Is he going to run?
Chris Christie

Is he going to run?
Bobby Jindal

Exploratory committee will announce after June 11th.
Martin O'Malley

Waiting for a response
Lincoln Chaffee

Got response.  Doesn't answer questionnaires.
Jim Webb

Has only exploratory Committee. Going to mail anyways. Has neo-Confederate elements in his thinking.
Rick Perry

Waiting for a response
Donald Trump

Annouced. No FEC filing yet.
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