Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Confederate War Memorial in Dallas, Texas Pioneer Park is entirely gone. /Special message from a gay to Neo-Confederates,

The ramp which was used by the cranes and other lifting equipment to go up and in the enclosed area and remove the statues and the base has been removed as all the materials used by the crew. The outer barrier has been removed. The inner barrier is there until they can file the hole with dirt or get a cover over the hole. 

Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio now have gotten rid of their Confederate monuments. This means that if you still have a Confederate monument you are a smaller rural town. Confederate monuments means you are backward. Even the second tier towns like Denton are getting rid of their monuments. 

So if you still have a Confederate monument you are that weird backward town found in a horror novel. Of course no chamber of commerce wants their town to be that weird backward town found in a horror novel and will be working to get rid of their Confederate monuments as soon as possible. 

Neo-Confederates, eat dust. Remember society is junking the Confederacy and your whole little reactionary cranky world is going down and being flushed down the toilet. 

Meanwhile gays are racking up victory after victory. 

The Confederacy is now in society's opinion somewhere between doggie doo-doo and cat vomit. 

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