Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Confederacy becoming identified with idiots

The era of so-proclaimed leftists or liberals who come up with complicated excuses for the Confederacy is coming to an end.

One of the significant sources of support for Confederate monuments and memorializations of various sorts comes from liberals and leftists in the South who still haven't mentally left the plantation. They have their Confederate ancestors and have involved complicated arguments for the Confederate thing they have hanging on the wall or on their mantel.

You read these articles where they have Confederate memoriabilia in a room and their book club  or something is coing over and now they are worried people will get the wrong idea. Of course the real issue is that they will see them who they really are, but the editors of these publications tend to be sympathetic to the Confederate sympathizeer.

That garbage is finally going to be completely extinct.

We are entering yet another stage in which support for the Confederacy becomes identified with fringe characters, delusional characters, and generally fools and idiots, and reactionaries.

This story is all over on Facebook.


Stumpf is from Comfort, Texas, but I don't know if he is associated with the camp out there that hosts the Sam Davis Youth Camp, formerly of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.


By the way, South Korean and Taiwan have universal military training. They are trained to fight other soldiers as Shane Stumpf found out. They aren't habituated to subservience to white people either.

This maybe by another Shane Stumpf.


The newspaper article made a point of decribing Stumpf's racist garbage he had on the wall and also that he had on his wall a Confederate flag.

In another venue the governor of Mississippi decided to not support stay at home orders to suppress the coronavirus epidemic but declare an April Confederate History month. Nothing like this makes it clear that Confederate heritage had deep links to stupid.



Whereas in the past the complicated story of the self-identified liberal or leftists with Confederate sympathies might actually get someone to listen, this I think is over now. The very last bit.

As for the general public support for the Confederacy will be further identified with people like Governor Reeves or Shane Stumpf.

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