Monday, August 12, 2019

Paper with pictures about the Triumphalist White Supremacy of Fair Park Completed. / On to bringing down the SCV


There are formally listed 84 Figures, but some of those figures are sets of pictures. There is a total 102 pages.

It is a big pdf so it might take some time. It is over 50 megabytes.

I am now going to ask scholars and cultural leaders to co-sign our letter. We have a total of 40 signatures so far.

The following blog will be tracking the Dallas white landscape closely, as opposed to this more general blog which deals with neo-Confederacy.

On to bringing down the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Getting a Powerpoint Made, a video made, and then this 102 page paper, has taken time. I have had to concentrate on it intensly since it is a current issue with events underway. However, with this done, it is now going to be more time to pursue other topics, which specifically be about leting the general public know about the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

I have set up my video studio and gone through and prepared materials and hope to do the first video soon.

I expect to bring down the Sons of Confederate Veterans by informing the public what their agenda is. I want to make it very clear I don't support violent actions.

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