Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hopefully we hear more of this. Delaware Historical Society loses $14,000 of state funding for pro=Confederate activities.

The Georgetown Historical Society in Delaware lost $14,000 of state funding due to its neo-Confederate nonsense. 

This is an article about it online. Note that the vote was unanimous

In the former slave states many local historical societies work with neo-Confederate groups.  You read it in every issue. They tend to be societies composed of older white people who haven't realized the world has changed and have varying degrees of affection to the Confederacy or really don't care about the issues of race.

I think I out to make a list of local historical societies working with the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans and send them to legislators.

This action in Delware won't be unnoticed in Maryland or elsewhere. Some historical societies will likely decide to stop or attenuate connections with neo-Confederate groups. 

Activists, minority communities, will start to realize this is going on and realize that penalizing this type of activity and not funding it is a realizable goal. 

I  think this is a new trend. Also, without the local historical societies colluding with neo-Confederacy the neo-Confederates lose a venue in which to conduct their activities and legitimize themselves. 

Bit by bit the Lost Cause is losing its sources of strength and becoming more and more viewed as abberant by the general public. 

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