Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hardcover of "Pernicious: The Neo-Confederate Campaign against Social Justice" now available. UPDATE

The hard copy is now available from

It will be available at Amazon in 3 to 5 days. I am currently working on the book about Texas secessionism.

I also plan to publish a collection of my articles at "Black Commentator" and later a collection of my articles that were published in the "Touchstone." 

Longer term I am not sure what my publishing will include. Perhaps it will be a series of monographs. I have been thinking on writing something about the revival of pro-slavery literature.

The more important thing will be to get the Texas Secessionism book done soon. 

After that I will be on periscope, doing podcasts, and promoting my books.

As I say in my epilog I am going to use social media to organize against neo-Confederacy.

I have some people that are waiting for the hard copy, but I think they will be purchasing it when it is available on Open the back cover image in a new tab or window to read.

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