I call upon the Texas Nationalist Movement to reject white nationalists, racists, and other similar ilk.
For example, this is an article by the Council of Conservative Citizens which is obviously in support of the Texas Secession movement. If the Texas Nationalist Movement is to claim that they are not a racist movement let them reject the Council of Conservative Citizens in a straight forward way. Do not make sure legalistic statement that gives you plausible deniability.
Also, what is the Texas Nationalist Movement doing to keep Council of Conservative members out of their organization.
Is it the Texas Nationalist Movement or the White Texas Nationalist Movement?
If the Texas Nationalist Movement doesn't take effective actions against racists joining their organization I think we know their real agenda. Also, some generic meaningless statement or resolution without substance is to be laughed at for the transparent ruse that it is.
Related blog posting how the Texas Nationalist Movement is upset by the Federal Govt. courts striking down voter suppression efforts. I think this is a good clue on where they are in regards to race.
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