Saturday, July 09, 2016

Texas Nationalist Movement Daniel Miller's posting on the Dallas shootings. This should give us a fairly good idea what life would be like under these secessionists.

This is the posting by Daniel Miller shared on the Texas Nationalist Movemdnt Facebook page.

I think that it gives a fairly good idea what civil rights and minority rights would be under a government run by these guys.

Miller is somewhat cryptic in this posting. What exactly is the media standards that he thinks are double? How exactly does the media coverage "disrespect the memory of the officers who lost their lives"?

I think he is just tapping into feelings of a very upset public. Maybe it is ambiguous so he can tap into anger but have plausible deniability.

I think this post alone shows that Texit which they now call it, is a bad idea.

However, given the gravity of the situation I think that it shows that he has no sense.

I am still learning what happened and observing what happened. I think Dominque Alexander and the Dallas mayor and Dallas police chief have been exemplary in handling this situation.

Our Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has been a total moron. Governance isn't talk radio which Mr. Patrick doesn't seem to comprehend.

I have been thinking about recent events a lot even though I am working on my book on the neo-Confederates.

I may have something to say. Perhaps I am just upset, but I think the nation is on a precipice and could fall into the abyss.

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