Sunday, March 02, 2014

More web pages disappear, Alabama Div. Sons of Confederate Veterans deletes major web page in response to Church writing campaign

I was looking for on the Internet for Alabama Division Sons of Confederate Veterans camp meeting locations. I couldn't find it.

It is archived at You will notice that there are tabs at the bottom for each section of Alabama.

You can see it is an extensive list of where Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) camps meeting in Alabama including many churches. When it was on the Internet I printed it out with URL and date stamps on each page for my records.

When I inquired on Facebook, Grand Bay First United Methodist Church had told me that the SCV hadn't met at their church for some time and I had told them it was listed that they did and gave them the URL.

I don't know if it is true or not that the SCV no longer meets there. I will have to make inquiries.

It will be a major change if the SCV meetings in churches are done in secret. If in the future that becomes the practice than any church hosting them is in collusion. If in the future that becomes the practice the SCV can't but feel that they are a potential embarrassment to a church at which they meet.

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