Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jos. A. Banks chooses to support the Sons of Confederate Veterans

Earlier this summer I had a campaign to get corporations to drop supporting the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). It was successful.

The campaign is documented in an article at Black Commentator. You can read it at this free guest link:

They were one of the companies which I wrote asking them not to support the SCV.

Additionally, the affinity shopping host, We Care did drop the SCV. But it seems one company has decided to continue to support the SCV, Jos. A. Banks.

Also, in the Jan./Feb. 2014 Vol. 72 No. 1 issue of Confederate Veteran, the official publication of the SCV, on page 55 there is a notice titled, "Corporate card offered to SCV members for Jos. A. Banks."

Essentially the clothing from Jos. A. Banks constitutes a Confederate uniform. I plan to let this be known in other venues. PLEASE SHARE.

I sent the following email to them:

From:                                         Edward H.Sebesta (my email address)
Sent:                                           Saturday, January 11, 2014 10:52 AM
To:                                               ''
Subject:                                     Jos. A. Banks supports a racist organization

Dear Jos. A. Banks:

“Black Commentator” has this article about the racism and extremism of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV).

The free guest pass for the article is online at:

With the publication of this article corporations generally dropped the SCV. You can read another article about this at:

Though Jos. A. Banks was written about the SCV and though We Care dropped the SCV it seems that Jos. A. Banks has decided, despite it being revealed that the SCV is extremist and racist, to continue to offer a corporate card to the SCV.

This makes Jos. A. Banks complicit with the agenda of the SCV and it brings into question any employment non-discrimination policies you might have.

Essentially, Jos. A. Banks clothing comprise a Confederate uniform.


Edward H. Sebesta

Co-editor of “Neo-Confederacy: A Critical Introduction,” Univ. of Texas Press, 2008 (, and “The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader: The ‘Great Truth’ About the ‘Lost Cause’” Univ. Press of Mississippi 2010. (  Author of chapter about the Civil War and Reconstruction in the notorious Texas teaching standards in Politics and the History Curriculum: The Struggle over Standards in Texas and the Nation, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

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