Sunday, September 22, 2013

League of the South publicizes that neo-Confederacy is anti-Islamic

I thought the upcoming League of the South (LOS) demonstration in Tennessee was going to focus on Hispanics, but it seems that it is going to focus on Muslims.

There are articles in a local Tennessee paper discussing the upcoming LOS demonstration. None of them have a positive view of the LOS.

I have been only slightly successful in letting people know about the fact that the neo-Confederates have an anti-Islamic component. I did get this article published by a Hispanic Muslim group in Texas.

I think though that most Muslims guess that people who fly the Confederate flag are hostile, but it helps to have a group like the LOS confirm this.

The first news story listed above is something that Muslims in Tennessee can forward to their friends, national organizations, religious groups. The LOS is making it easy to alert the American Muslim community that neo-Confederacy is anti-Muslim.

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