Saturday, June 01, 2013

Neo-Confederacy and the White Student Union at Towson University

Vice at has done a video documentary on the White Student Union (WSU) at Towson University.

The link is

It is interesting to view this video to see the sophistication of a new generation of racists. Too many people think they are effective voices against racism, but they aren't.  They are merely are people who are able to denounce groups like the Ku Klux Klan which everyone dislikes anyways. They wouldn't be able to argue against the White Student Union at Towson University.

In the video you can see that at least one League of the South (  member is involved which isn't surprising.

You should note all the Confederate imagery used by the group. Interestingly enough no one in the video seems to view this as the obvious evidence that the WSU has racial animus. The Confederacy did wage war to deny African Americans freedom and keep them in slavery and certainly identifying them and glorifying them is animus against African Americans.

Interestingly the leader says you "get nowhere waiving a Swastika banner" in terms of advancing his agenda but instead has a Confederate flag banner on the wall behind him which he feels won't impact his agenda or show that he has racial animus.

This is the Lost Cause blind spot of the American public. It is a manifestation of the banal white nationalism of many. (

Those who advance the Lost Cause or give it a free pass are enablers.

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