Monday, August 14, 2006

Bush administration and Ashcroft subvert Civil Rights Enforcement

There are three links to articles about how the Bush administration starting with attorney general Ashcroft is subverting civil rights enforcement by appointing lawyers who aren't supportive of civil rights for the civil rights enforcement division of the Justice Department.

Boston Globe article, click here.

Article about the Boston Globe article.

I have written on George W. Bush's history of promoting the Confederacy and have an article on it here. Read article about George Bush and his support for the Confederacy, click here..

Ashcroft interviewed in the Southern Partisan and gave ample evidence of his Confederate viewpoint.

However, it was NPR and Peter Applebome which came to the defense of Southern Partisan. The Civil Rights organizations, anti-racist groups, and the liberal-left establishment didn't criticize NPR for this defense and largely forgot the issue of Neo-Confederacy. A great many people didn't see the problem, after all neither Ashcroft or Bush were ranting like some member of Aryan Nations.

The Confederacy was a white nationalist revolution for the purpose of white supremacy through slavery of Africans. It is just that simple. So when people support the glorification of the Confederacy, such as Bush being a lead fundraiser for the Museum of the Confederacy, it means something. Bush wasn't wearing funny clothes, and he had good middle class manners, and did lots and lots of photo ops with black children. So what, the plantation mentality doesn't have a phobia of African Americans in their lives.

Now, surprise, surprise, the Bush administration is pulling the plug on Civil Rights.

Neo-Confederacy is a mental framework, and its politics is the output of those who have a Confederate consciousness.

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