Saturday, October 19, 2019

UPDATE. Podcast is done. The Sons of Confederate Veterans offering the book, "The Negro, The Southerner's Problem," for sale.

This is the link to the page.

This book is recommended in the Sons of Confederate Veterans merchandise catalogs as "thoughtful."

It is one of America's most notorious racist books.

The section I have put online is about Page's thoughts on rape and African Americans being rapists.

I have read sections of the book and made this podcast.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Update: Podcast added in. Stephen D. Lee, "The Charge," Lynching and African Americans as rapists

This is going to be a podcast and a Vlog and there will be a part 2 about this which will also be a webpage, podcast and a VLOG.

You can however go to


And subscribe and be kept up to date.

Don't forget our Facebook page Deracialize the Landscape

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What is neo-Confederacy? Podcast

This is the link to the podcast.

I am building up a set of podcasts to get the word out to the public. I am seeing downloads already. I think initially it will start slow and then build up.

Refuting African American defenders of Confederate memorialization

New podcast is done and is online. In this case I used the letter to the editor of Maryland Lt. Gov. Rutherford defense of keeping which makes the Confederacy equal to the United States of America in the Maryland statehouse. A lot of the argumentation might apply to any defender of Confederate junk, but there are some specific items regarding African American defenders of Confederate memorialization.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What we need to do to bring down Confederate monuments pod cast.

Though Confederate monuments are coming down, it is largely outside the former Confederate states where there are the most Confederate monuments. Many former Confederate states have passed laws to prevent Confederate monuments from being removed. This podcast discusses what we need to do to remove Confederate monuments. We need to organize, we need to develop tactics, we need to self-educate and educate others. We have the Facebook page Deracialize the Landscape to connect activists together.

Again sharring podcasts or VLOGS and Facebook postings to others gets the word out. Liking is okay, but it doesn't inform others.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

First podcast done and uploaded.

I have completed my first podcast. It is just a short podcast of a little over 10 minutes and details my publishing on the topic of neo-Confederates.

It is on Spotify and I think several other distributors of podcasts. I think I can add other distributors also, but at this time, I think this is a good start.

If I am going to be speaking on neo-Confederates, I need to be a credible source and my  publishing record does make me a credible source.

I have this video which also gives my curriculum vitae.

Also, I have a YouTube channel.

I have been putting together scripts for podcasts and getting things together. I haven't done more than this single one since I have had construction in front of the house and in the house. Also, I had a great many ideas and wanted to prioritize them. Should I do somthing on the SCV and the JROTC next, or read some selections from Southern Mercury, or the anti-Semitism in Frank Conners book and show the adds for it offering it for sale. Then there is the commentary of Stephen D. Lee on African American men and rape in a volume of Confederate Military History and in a book that was offered for sale by the SCV. So I have created a priority list. But before I did any blogs I needed to establish my academic record and I have done so.

Monday, October 14, 2019

My curriculum vitae in a video

It is at YouTube. Expand to full size to be able to read text.